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Workout Of The Week: Abs + Arms

It’s time for some #MondayMotivation! This weeks #FFWOTW we are targeting our abs and arms! Let’s add these moves to our routines this week!

Try 10-12 reps of each move, 3 rounds! Tag me and use the hashtag #FemmeFittWOTW so we can encourage and push each other this week! LET’S GO! #LetsHustleForThatMuscle #FemmeFitt #FemmeFittWorkouts 

▪️Modified Crunch w/ Leg Ext: Start with your legs bent at a 90 degree angle with the exercise ball (or even medicine ball to add weight) on your shins. Crunch up (shoulders and head are off the mat), grab the ball. hold it above your head, and extend your legs without them hitting the floor.  Leaving your feet a few inches above the floor. This is targeting your lower abs. Hold that extension for at least 3 secs.  Return to starting point. Repeat 10-12 times

▪️Flutter Kicks: While still holding the ball above your head and still in crunch from (for beginners keep your head and shoulders on the floor), kick legs up and down as if you were swimming. Repeat for 30 seconds

▪️Scissor Kicks: While still holding the ball above your head and still in crunch from (for beginners keep your head and shoulders on the floor), open and close legs while crossing one foot over the other. Repeat for 30 seconds

▪️Push-Up to Row: Holding the dumbbell in one hand, do one full push up (Modified Version: On knees) then lift the dumbbell up as if you were pulling it into your armpit, with your elbow going straight back. Replace dumbbell to floor and roll it over to the other hand if using one.  Repeat 12-14 times (6-7 on each side)